Proposal Prep and Submission (Pre-Award)
Proposal preparation can be a very detailed, time-intensive process that can be overwhelming for any potential PI or administrator. The resources provided on this page will help you find the necessary and important information needed for submission. If you are unsure of any steps in your submission process, contact RAS; we're here to help!
Q: I'm not sure I can make my submission deadline; what do I do now?
A: Please take a look at the WSU-SOM Office of Research Late Submission Policy. RAS is available to help you expedite your process.
A: eProp is a web-based proposal development tool that has replaced the paper FES and was created to assist faculty and research administrators in streamlining the pre-award process. This tool brings together elements of the FES, budget development and science pieces in one location on the web which can be accessed from WSU or home. It will allow budget development functionality directly on the form, including calculating the out-years; it will calculate F&A, including backing out exclusionary items from the base; and, it will eliminate the need to hand carry or fax the FES to various areas for signatures.
Q. What is our DUNS Number, Unique Entity ID (UEI), Tax ID, Fringe Rate and Indirect (F&A) Rate?
A. Sponsored Projects Administration keeps this information current on their "Sponsored Program Administration Fact Sheet", which can be found on here.
Q: Where can I find copies of the university's 501(c)3 status, the most recent audit, annual report or list of the Board of Governors?
A: These documents are on file and can be found here.
Q: How do I budget in the out years for my proposal?
A: Always read the sponsor's budgetary guidelines very carefully! Even though Wayne State customarily uses a 3% inflation rate when calculating the out years of your budget, some agencies do not allow for inflation costs. Larger agencies, such as NIH, prefer applicants utilize a 2% year over year increase per NOT-OD-10-039. If you are uncertain, please speak with your departmental administrator, members of the RAS office, or your Grant and Contract Officer.
Q: I have a faculty member from another school within WSU on my proposal; what do I need to provide?
A: Please obtain approval from the faculty member's department that the Salary and Effort noted for the individual on the School of Medicine proposal is appropriate. Upload a PDF of this email into eProp along with the proposal.
Q: I submitted a grant proposal to the NIH; how do I find out who is on my study committee?
A: Your eRA Commons account will provide you the latest information regarding the status of your NIH proposal. In addition, NIH provides a vehicle for finding out who is reviewing your proposal at the Center for Scientific Review.
Q: My proposal includes a subcontract, what do I need to provide?
A: Please follow the instructions on your application instructions (Funding Opportunity Announcement [FOA], RFP, etc.) to determine content to be provided as part of the proposal.
For internal purposes, at the time of submission, SPA requires: completed Face Page, Budget, Budget Justification, Checklist, and a Statement of Work. The SPA office will also require an agreement to enter a consortium letter from the collaborating institution. Your departmental administrator or a member of the RAS office can facilitate and help your application obtain the necessary University approvals/signatures.
These documents should be uploaded with the proposal into eProp.
Q: I am going to be a subcontracted site on a proposal at another university/organization; what do I need to provide?
A: Just as if you were submitting a proposal where WSU is the prime awardee, SPA will need: your face page, budget, budget justification, checklist, and a statement of work. Your GCO will prepare an agreement to enter a consortium letter for you to send the prime university/organization. Keep in mind that each university or organization will require different items; please coordinate with the sponsoring entity to determine appropriate items and the due dates. Your departmental administrator can help, or you can contact the RAS office for assistance.
Q: My grant has already been established but I want to add a new subcontract site; what do I need to do?
A: In addition to requesting the standard internal documents, approval from the project sponsor should typically be obtained. Please refer your award's "Terms & Conditions." Once documents have been obtained a Spa Rebudget request will need to be completed (this form can be found on the SPA Internal Forms page). Forward the budget form for the new subcontract to your GCO; please note a new eProp is not required.
Q: WSU-SOM is a sub-recipient on a grant and the current subcontract has ended; if the amendment/ agreement for the next year is still pending, should I complete a Rebudget Request or a Provisional Fund Request (PFR)?
A: This situation is dependent upon the subcontract agreement. Please review the agreement and work with your departmental administrator, or contact the RAS office for assistance.
ERA Commons and Fastlane
Q: How do I get an eRA Commons User ID if I currently do not have one?
A: Requests for new eRA Commons are submitted through SPA. Use this form to request yours: SPA eRA Commons Access Request
Q: I have an existing eRA Commons User ID. Can I affiliate with WSU?
A: Yes. Requests for affiliation of an existing eRA Commons login/credential are handled through SPA. Use this form to request your affiliation change: SPA Existing Commons Faculty Access Request
Q: I have forgotten my eRA Commons password, how do I reset it?
A: The NIH provides detailed steps on retrieving and changing your password here.
Q: What is the eRA Commons or HelpDesk number?
A: ERA COMMONS: 1-301-402-7469 | GRANTS.GOV: 1-800-518-4726
Q: How do I get an NSF Fastlane User ID?
A: You can request Fastlane access through SPA using this form: SPA Fastlane Access
Q: How do I submit JIT Requests?
A: Typically NIH requests the information noted in their JIT communication be uploaded into the "JIT" feature within eRA Commons. This can be accomplished by logging into eRA Commons and accessing the appropriate grant. To the right of the grant information should be a "JIT" link. Once selected, you will be taken to a web page where the information can be uploaded and saved. Once complete, please route to your Grants & Contracts Officer so he/she may submit the information as the authorized official for the University. Please note if IACUC or IRB dates are requested, please provide a copy of the one page IACUC or IRB approval with your email to your GCO. Additionally, if NIH requests the information be emailed through the Business Office, please compile the necessary information in PDF format and forward NIH's JIT request email and attachments to your GCO with a request to submit to NIH. Any additional questions please email can be answered by contacting RAS.
A: eSNAP stands for "Electronic Streamlined Non-competing Award Process" (eSNAP). eSNAP is utilized to submit electronic progress reports, through eRA Commons, to NIH. To access the eSNAP, log into eRA Commons and access your grant. Click on the "eSNAP" link at the right-hand side of the page. Complete all tabs within the eSNAP verifying each has been "designated as complete"; once completed, route to your Grants and Contracts Officer (GCO).
The Department of Health and Humans Services provides more information on eSNAP. Please also see the information on RPPR below; this may affect your SNAP.
A: RPPR stands for "Research Performance Progress Report", and is the required module for submitting Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process (SNAP) and Fellowship progress reports for all projects that have budget start dates of July 1, 2013 and later. For more information about RPPR, please see NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-13-035.
Please note that submitting your progress report in any other fashion will not be processed and will require resubmission.